Invented an intuitive B2B experience.

We designed and developed a volume purchasing solution for L.L.Bean’s new B2B website.


Decreased costly customer support calls and increased sales.

L.L.BEAN | B2B Website

Extended a world-class brand with a volume purchasing B2B website.

L.L.BEAN | B2B Website


Led an aggressive four-week Discovery phase capturing business requirements, while targeting, inventing, and developing a custom volume purchasing website for L.L.Bean’s B2B offering. Responsible for designing and developing the user interface and branding elements of the site, executed flawlessly on exceeding L.L.Bean’s high standard of branding and customer experience.  

Instrumental in pulling all partners together to review and revise use cases, defining workflow and content, presenting original solutions with ongoing dedication to completing the project on time and within budget. Played a strong role in suggesting solutions, providing options, managing the project, and identifying bottlenecks and new tasks.

Invented an intuitive B2B experience with volume purchasing, which reduced costly customer support inquiries by 50%, while increasing revenue.

Grow Your Business.